The CPHQ Exam Content Outline 2015–2017 (CPHQ Exam Specifications 2015–2017), effective from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017, is found below. Note: This exam content outline became obsolete on January 1, 2018, when it was replaced by the 2018 CPHQ Exam Content Outline.
Quality Leadership and Structure
A. Leadership
- Support organizational commitment to quality
- Align quality and safety activities with strategic goals
- Engage stakeholders
- Provide consultative support to the governing body and medical staff regarding their roles and responsibilities (e.g., credentialing, privileging, quality oversight)
- Participate in the integration of environmental safety programs within the organization (e.g., air quality, infection control practices, building, hazardous waste)
- Assist with survey or accreditation readiness
- Evaluate and integrate external quality innovations (e.g., resources from IHI, WHO, AHRQ, NQF)
- Promote population health and continuum of care (e.g., handsoff, transitions of care, episode of care, utilization)
B. Structure
- Assist in developing organizational measures (e.g., balanced scorecards, dashboards)
- Assist the organization in maintaining awareness of statutory and regulatory requirements (e.g., OSHA, HIPAA, PPACA)
- Assist in selecting and using performance improvement approaches (e.g., PDCA, Six Sigma, Lean thinking)
- Facilitate development of the quality structure (e.g., councils and committees)
- Communicate the impact of health information management on quality (e.g., ICD10, coding, electronic health record, meaningful use)
- Assure effective grievance and complaint management
- Facilitate selection of and preparation for quality recognition programs and accreditation and certification options (e.g., Magnet, Baldrige, TJC, DNV, ARF, ISO, NCQA)
- Communicate the financial benefits of a quality program
- Recognize quality initiatives impacting reimbursement (e.g., capitation, pay for performance)
Information Management
A. Design and Data Collection
- Maintain confidentiality of performance/quality improvement records and reports
- Apply sampling methodology for data collection
- Coordinate data collection
- Assess customer needs/expectations (e.g., surveys, focus groups, teams)
- Participate in development of data definitions, goals, triggers, and thresholds
- Identify or select measures (e.g., structure, process, outcome)
- Assist in evaluating quality management information systems
- Identify external data sources for comparison (e.g., benchmarking)
- Validate data integrity
B. Measurement and Analysis
- Use tools to display data or evaluate a process (e.g., fishbone, Pareto chart, run chart, scattergram, control chart)
- Use statistics to describe data (e.g., mean, standard deviation)
- Use statistical process controls (e.g., common and special cause variation, random variation, trend analysis)
- Interpret data to support decision making
- Compare data sources to establish benchmarks
- Participate in external reporting (e.g., core measures, patient safety indicators)
Performance Measurement and Process Improvement
A. Planning
- Assist with establishing priorities
- Facilitate development of action plans or projects
- Participate in selection of evidence-based practice guidelines
- Identify opportunities for participating in collaboratives
- Identify process champions
B. Implementation and Evaluation
- Establish teams and roles
- Participate in monitoring of project timelines and deliverables
- Evaluate team effectiveness (e.g., dynamics, outcomes)
- Participate in the process for evaluating compliance with internal and external requirements for:
- clinical practice (e.g., medication use, infection prevention)
- service quality
- documentation
- practitioner performance evaluation (i.e., peer review)
- Perform or coordinate risk management activities (e.g., identification, analysis, prevention)
C. Education and Training
- Design organizational performance/quality improvement training (e.g., quality, patient safety)
- Provide training on performance/quality improvement, program development, and evaluation concepts
- Evaluate effectiveness of performance/quality improvement training
- Develop/Provide survey preparation training (e.g., accreditation, licensure, or equivalent)
D. Communication
- Facilitate conversations with staff regarding quality issues
- Compile and write performance/quality improvement reports
- Disseminate performance/quality improvement information within the organization
- Facilitate communication with accrediting and regulatory bodies
- Lead and facilitate change (e.g., change theories, diffusion, spread)
- Organize meeting materials (e.g., agendas, reports, minutes)
Patient Safety
A. Assessment and Planning
- Assess the organization’s patient safety culture
- Determine how technology can enhance the patient safety program (e.g., computerized physician order entering (CPOE), barcode medication administration (BCMA), electronic medical record (EMR), abduction/elopement security systems, human factors engineering)
B. Implementation and Evaluation
- Assist with implementation of patient safety activities
- Facilitate the ongoing evaluation of patient safety activities
- Participate in these patient safety activities:
- incident report review
- sentinel/unexpected event review
- root cause analysis
- failure modes and effects analysis (proactive risk assessment)
- patient safety goals review
- identification of reportable events for accreditation and regulatory bodies
- Integrate patient safety concepts throughout the organization
- Educate staff regarding patient safety issues