Here, we briefly describe how you can access the content of modules, including quizzes.
On the Home page, click or tap the module you want to access.

On the next page, you will see the content of the module. The module contains only one ‘Sample Quiz’ in our example below.

Click or tap the item you wish to access (shown by the blue arrow in the image above).
The image below shows the Introduction page of our quizzes. Click or tap the green ‘Start Quiz’ button to begin the quiz.

Focus Mode
For all content, users have the option of “focus mode.” The left sidebar tray shrinks in size when in focus mode to minimize distractions. Module progress will remain visible at the top of the screen.
Click or tap the left arrow button on the sidebar tray to enable focus mode – see the above image for the location of this button.
Below is a screenshot of when we enable focus mode.